1.'That's the most important piece of evidence we've heard yet, ' said the King, rubbing his hands; 'so now let the jury--'
2.By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as they spell it out you automatically slow the speaker down.
3.To layfolk, that may be a distinction without much of a difference, but to astronomers it's an important piece of the astrophysical puzzle.
4.WebSphere MQ is an important piece of messaging middleware to help an enterprise accelerate the transformation into an on-demand business.
5.With Mercury retrograde, you could easily lose an important piece of data, like a business card or cell phone number, so stay alert.
6.The network connecting application systems with the mainframe is another important piece of the infrastructure that should be considered.
7.An important piece of advice Jesus gives us at the beginning of the "Rules for Decision" is: "Do not fight yourself" (T-30. I. 1: 7).
8.A very important piece of information was leaked out, so that lots of students are already prepared to cheat in the exam.
9.And a very, very important piece of advice is that do not ever shirk away from asking for help.
10.Therefore both from technical and economic points of view, the powered support is a very important piece of equipment in a long wall face.